Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hot Accessory for Summer...The Turban Head Wrap! Get'em while they're hot!

Yayyyyyy!!!! So when I was at school today, I had a break after taking my Fashion History test, which let's hope for an A!!! But back to my excitement and what I wanted to share. So while I was in the lobby area I happened to be talking to my mom and this girl walked by with the coolest headband EVER. I saw it and I wanted it! It is hipster/boho chic...it is HOT HOT HOT! So I come home and my mission was to find this oh-so-beautifully made head wrap. So the whole new hot trend with headbands/wraps are the whole turban head wraps! I LOVEEEEE! I HEART!!!! So I've been surfing on the net and I finally found it....but ooooohhhhh weeeeeeee! $475?! Yeah right! I'm on a student budget and that is just not even cool for a head wrap. I am all about fashion and spending it on a beautiful handbag or beautifully constructed shoes, but a head wrap? Don't think so. BUT...it is so hot that is deserved a blog and I needed to give appreciation to the designer of this beautiful head wrap. Jennifer Behr is the woman.

She is MAY-JAH when it comes to a headband/wrap. I mean the woman can construct headbands and make them look royal! If you're not familiar with her work, I suggest click on that lil' link I've provided up there and look at her work. It's pretty amazing. This particular headband/wrap is a little harder in look than the others on her website. The others are exquisite and she also has a bridal line for headbands. I would love to own one, just isn't my budget, but don't get it twisted! I shalls be wandering around NYC and those outdoor vendors who sell headbands and accessories are bound to selling one similar at a steal.

So this is my new mission! I will find one at a steal! This headband is hot! Hopefully I find one soon though before this look dies out. But it's everywhere!

These are turban head wraps at a fraction of the cost.
(The top head wrap is at retail for $18 plus S&H as well as the bottom one)

Even Carrie Bradshaw is sporting a turban head wrap in the new installment of SATC 2! AND it's pretty hot!
Gotta find out which designer it is and if it was manually wrapped or pre-wrapped, but regardless, this look is hot and I think we will see more of it this summer!

So go and get you a turban head wrap. They are chic and so the "in" thing right now. It reminds me of the 19-teens and 1920s when Poiret was madly in love with the whole concept of Middle-Eastern/Turkish looks. I love it and if anyone knows me I HEART the 1920s fashions b/c it was a revolutionary moment for women and it embarked on women making a stance and was the start of women evolving for the first time taking risks to the utmost. Women cut their hair super short, hemlines majorly raised to the knees and ultimately shorter, women wore makeup, smoked, drank. It was the start of the powerful women we have been accustomed to today. And the women then initiated that stance. Anyhows, getting off topic, but it is so Poiret from the 19-teens/20s. So I heart! I shall be sporting this look in the summer for sheezy. Ha...had to drop in my ghetto-fab vocab! So ladies, go get you a turban and sport it up this summer! It is H-O-T, hot!

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